Sky & Telescope Magazine
Here is a sample of some of the articles I’ve written over the years for Sky & Telescope magazine to help amateur astrophotographers get started taking stunning photos of the night sky.
Working With What You Have
Before you purchase your dream astrophotography rig, consider what you can do with a basic setup.
Mastering Polar Alignment
Setting up your mount correctly is an important first step in creating great astrophotos.
Beyond Your Camera’s Kit Lens
Go wide or go deep – the sky’s the limit when choosing a second lens.
Composition Tips for Astrophophotographers
There’s more to a great shot than just getting the exposure right.
The Simplest Astrophotography
Great night-sky shots can be made with just a camera, lens, and tripod.
Creating Sharp Astrophotos
Taking well-focused images of the night sky is easy if you follow these simple tips.
Capturing the Summer Milky Way
A dark sky is the secret to dramatic photos of our home galaxy.
Astrophotography – Why Bother
Understanding why we create astronomical images can be more important than knowing how.
Detailed Wide-Angle Astrophotos
Overlapping frames allow you to capture generous swaths of sky in high resolution.
Winter Astrophotography
’Tis the season to brave the elements and capture some stunning images.
Basic Image Editing
These simple processing tips can transform your astrophotos from bland to beautiful.
Astrophotography With A Portrait Lens
Creating more detailed astrophotos requires a boost in focal length.
SkyNews Magazine
And here is a sample of some of the earlier articles I wrote for SkyNews magazine.
Getting Started in Astrophotography
Beginning with the basics helps build a strong foundation for your imaging endeavours
Stop The World… I Want To Take A Photo! (Tracking Platforms)
A lightweight tracking mount counteracts the Earth’s rotation and opens up a universe of photographic possibilities.
Tools And Rules For Getting The Right Exposure
Watch your histogram display to get better deep-sky photos
Star-Trail Astrophotography
With the help of the Earth’s rotation, you can create dramatic night-sky shots
Getting In Focus
Here are some tips and tricks for taking tack-sharp astrophotos
Wireless Astrophotography
Cut the cord(s) with a WiFi imaging setup
Choosing A Lens For Astrophotography
Is it possible to find camera optics that combine speed and quality with low cost?
Image-Processing Basics
Transform your astro-images from bland to bold
Enter The Matrix (Composite Images)
How to capture impressive high-resolution, wide-angle photos of the night sky
Image-Stacking Basics
Combining multiple frames into a single photo is the secret to noise-free astro-images
Planning Your Astrophoto Sessions
Preparing for the worst instead of hoping for the best is the surest way to get great shots
Get Close With A Long Lens
Recording detailed deep-sky astrophotos requires a boot in focal length
Photographing The Northern Lights
An airline ticket and the right gear are the key to epic aurora photos
Hydrogen Alpha Imaging With a DSLR Camera
Adventures in narrowband urban astrophotography
Auto-Guiding For Dummies
A little effort (and some extra gear) helps yield sharp astrophotos
Urban Astrophotography Tips
Even if your backyard sky is light-polluted, you can still get great astro-shots
iOptron SkyTracker Pro Review
We check out an updated tracking mount designed for astrophotographers on the go
Photographing The Summer Milky Way
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